I. Update in Diabetic kidney disease

- 좌장:이태원(경희대)

09:00-09:30 당뇨병성 신질환의 치료 전략: 목 표 혈압과 혈당은?

- 정경환(경희대)

09:30-10:00 새로운 당뇨병 치료 약제: 신기능 저하 환자에서의 적용

- 김양균 (경희대)

10:00-10:30 Consequences of Targeting Glucose Transporters in Diabetes Mellitus

- 이상호 (경희대)

II. Special issues in Dialysis patients

- 좌장:임천규 (경희대)

11:00-11:30 혈액 투석 환자에서의 필수 예방 접종

- 문송미(가천대)

11:30-12:00 C형 간염의 새로운 패러다임: 혈 액 투석 환자에서는?

- 심재준(경희대)

I. Fluid management in ICU

- 좌장: 김근호(한양대)

13:00-13:25 Resuscitation fluids: What is the appropriate to use?

- 김세중(서울대))

13:25-13:50 Renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury: controversy and consensus

- 장혜련(성균관대)

II. Special issues in clinical practice

- 좌장: 김수완(전남대)

13:50-14:15 Vaptans: Treatment of hyponatremia and ADPKD

- 배은희(전남대)

14:15-14:40 Treatment of asymptomatic hyperuricemia in CKD: pros and cons

- 최범순(가톨릭대)

Interesting and Instructional case discussion

- 좌장: 주권욱(서울대)

15:00-15:30 Interesting cases

15:30-16:00 Instruction cases

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I. Omics Research in Kidney Disease

- 좌장:김광표(경희대),임천규(경희대)

09:00-09:30 Genomics:GWAS in IgA nephropathy

- 정경환(경희대)

09:30-10:00 Transcriptomics in kidney disease

- 이상호(경희대)

10:00-10:30 Proteomic research in glomerular disease and transplantation

- 김찬덕(경북대)


II. Old and New in Glomerular Disease

- 좌장:김영훈(인제대),이태원(경희대)

10:50-11:20 사구체 질환 임상 진단의 Tips

- 임천규(경희대)

11:20-11:50 New discovery of etiology:Role of Infection and autoimmunity

- 김양균(경희대)

11:50-12:20 Emerging therapeutic modality:From steroid to new biologic agent

- 김세연(경희대)

대한전해질학회 추계 학술대회

제1부 Interesting Topic

- 좌장: 하성규(연세대),이종은(전남대)

13:30-14:00 만성사구체신염의 고혈압:병인과 치료

- 임천규(경희대)

14:00-14:30 신증후군 환자의 이뇨제 치료

- 김창성(전남대)

14:30-15:00 Salt sensitivity-Endothelial dysfunction

- 최훈영(연세대)

제2부 Interesting Case 좌장:권태환(경북대),김수완(전남대)

15:20-15:40 Familial renal hypouricemia with acute kidney injury

- 김진숙(경희대)

15:40-16:00 Chronic hypokalemia and nephrocalcinosis

- 이용규(국민건강보험 일산병원)

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Hypokalemia:Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis Associated with Sjogren's Syndrome

- 전남의대 김하연

Fluid Therapy and Diuretics

- 인제의대 한상엽

Acid-base Disorder

- 연세의대 최훈영

Dyskalemia in Dialysis Patients

- 연세의대 박형천

Optimal Dialystate Sodium: What is the Evidence?

- 인하의대 이승우

Should Dialysate Calcium be Individualized?

- 경희의대 이상호

How Should Dialysate Potassium be Individualized?

- 연세의대 최훈영

좌장: 하성규, 이태원

13:50~14:20 Role of uric acid and its therapeutic implication in essential hypertension

- 강덕희 (이화의대)

14:20~14:50 Renal denervation and resistant hypertension

- 김병극 (연세의대)

14:50~15:20 Recent update of renin-angiotensin system in the pathogenesis of hypertension

- 문주영 (경희의대)

15:20~15:50 Obesity associated hypertension: new insights into mechanism

- 강영선 (고려의대)

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<Genetics and hypertension> 


S1. Genome-wide association study on essential hypertension in a Korean population 

- 경희의대 의공학교실 오범석

S2. Genomics in hypertension and hypertensive kidney diseases 

- 인제의대 강선우 

S11. Histone deacetylase inhibition attenuates transcriptional activity of mineralocorticoid receptor through its acetylation and prevents development of hypertension 

-경북의대 약리학교실 김인겸

<BP Management in Kidney Disease: What is New?> 

좌장 김호중/이종은 

S16. Renal disease and Hypertension in Pregnancy 

- 부산의대 성은영

S19. Clinical Practice Guideline for BP Management in CKD 

- 전남의대 마성권

S.26 Aldosterone antagonists in Patients with Kidney Disease 

- 경희의대 정경환